We always make things keeping,

you in mind...

  • Project Manager

    Project Manager
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    We understand the importance of time and management. With lots of projects and deadlines, time is running out every moment. As they say "Time is Money", we needed a Project Management System to properly manage our time and projects on a daily basis. After some research on the internet, we found Basecamp, a great Project Management System. But just a few months of use, and we found it not suitable enough for our projects and tasks. There came the idea of building our own project management application. Hence, we created "Project Manager", which is a comprehensive web based application that helps our in-house team to be more organized and productive. It improves our internal communication and records all the needs of a project. Here are some of the really impressive features of our Project Manager application:

     Create Clients and their projects
     Post different Todo(s) and keep track of time spent
     Assign the Todo(s) to various staff persons
     Calendar like interface for an idea of upcoming tasks
     Set Todo priority to "Normal" or "High"
     Track Progress of Todo(s)
     Comprehensive search feature
     Add Reminders for Birthdays, Memos and Meetings
     Reports for staff wise hours spent on a project or the client
     Email notifications for new comments and tasks
     Comprehensive Security Levels
    And many more...
  • Attendance Manager

    Attendance Manager
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    Well, it's 2010 and manually writing down the attendance of your staff is so 1990. Therefore, we thought of building an application that could track attendance and working hours of our team mates. Attendance Manager is built for small or medium sized companies who want to keep track of the holidays, leaves, attendances and hours worked by their staff members. It will provide detailed reporting about all the employees or a specific employee based on the chosen criteria. It's small but powerful application that you and your employees will love! They can record their login and logout times with just one click. A comprehensive dashboard is designed to give everybody an idea of who is on time today and who is on leave. It will also tell about the future leaves and the upcoming holidays. It's a sweet and simple solution for all your attendance tracking needs. Let's have a look at some of the important features of this attendance tracking application:

    Create unlimited staff persons and record their information
    Set Security levels to control access to the parts of application
    Easy and Single Click Login and Logout ability
    Ability to add bulk attendance
    Stops staff persons from editing their previous attendance records
    Create different types of holidays
    Add/Approve/Reject Staff Leaves
    Get reports for a selected staff

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What our client say...

Great Work!! AJ takes care of the details and always goes above and beyond to complete a project!! A+++++++++++++++
This is the best coder I've ever worked with. Highly responsive and created a superior script. I'm looking forward to working with AJ again.
Once again, AJ has done a super job! This involved some pretty tedious and repetitive web organization work that nobody would want to do, and AJ never once made me feel bad about asking him to do it.Apk Downloader
Tim Short
Adam Short
Anne Troy